ISO certification

ISO 9001-2008 certification of your charitable Trust .

1.ISO 9001:2008 certification has been in place for over a decade now and is used by both customers and companies as a method of controlling their quality.

2. The Standard provides a framework to manage your business and ensure a philosophy of continual improvement in all aspects of your business.

3. It is externally assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure these business practices are maintained.

4. The principles of ISO 9001:2008 are:

ISO 9001: 2008 is an international standard related to quality management system, applicable to any organization from all types of business sectors and activities.

ISO 9001:2008 is based on eight quality management principles (all fundamental to good business practice). When fully adopted, these principles can help improve your organizational performance:

• Customer focus: organizations depends on their customers, and therefore need to shape activities around the fulfillment of market need

• Leadership: is needed to provide unity of purpose and direction

• Involvement of people: creates an environment where people become fully involved in achieving the organization's objectives

• Process approach: to achieve organizational objectives, resources and activities need to be managed as processes, with an understanding of how the outputs of one process affects the inputs of another

• System approach to management: the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization depends on a systemized approach to work activities

• Continual improvement: adopting this as a part of everyday culture is a key objective for an organization

• Fact based decision-making: effective decisions are based on the logical and intuitive analysis of data and factual information

• Mutually beneficial supplier relationships: such relationships will enhance theability to create value.


• Involves Top management in the improvement of the Quality management System

• Facilitates the organization to become a customer-focused organization.

• Ensures sustained customer satisfaction by producing, delivering services and providing support functions that meet customer's needs and expectations.

• Increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization through continual improvement in systems and products /services

Various activities involved would be as follows:

1. Drafting & preparation of documents for ISO 9001-2008.
2. Documents and information required: -

• Legal proof (Xerox copy) of your organization (i.e. Pan Card of Proprietor / Declaration of proprietorship firm on company latter head /Any Registration that show your organization legal proof)

• Two xerox copies of Service or Sale and Purchase bills.

• Scope on letter head with authorized sign & stamp .