
It is a voluntary association of persons who work together to promote their economic interest. It works on the principle of self-help as well as mutual help. The main objective is to provide support to members. Nobody joins a cooperative society to earn profit. People come forward as a group, pool their individual resources, utilise them in the best possible manner, and derive some common benefit out of it.

Minimum number of individuals to form Cooperative Society is 50 and various activities involved would be as follows:

Drafting of Application for approval of the proposal for the registration of society

Preparing list of promoters

Drafting of model scheme

Drafting of resolution of the promoter members for appointing chief promoter

Drafting of affidavit by the chief promoter

Filing of application with the Registrar

Follow up for approval

Abovementioned activities are common in all kinds of Cooperative Societites , whereas there may be different other documents required for different type of societies in various states depending upon the respective State Acts.


What is a Cooperative Society ?

A cooperative Society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common, economic, social and cultural/needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically -controlled enterprise.

Who can become members of a cooperative society in India?

Persons who may become members of a Cooperative society at State level (as per the State Act): an individual competent to Contract, attained majority and is of sound mind and belongs to a class of persons if any for whom the society is formed as per its bye-laws; a society registered or deemed to be registered under the Cooperative Societies Act; the Government.

No individual shall be eligible for admission as a member of a federal society.

Persons who may become members of a Multi-State Cooperative Society: (As per Multi-State /cooperative Societies Act, 2002):

an individual, competent to contract under section 11 of the Indian contract Act, 1972. any multi-state Cooperative society or any Cooperative society. the Central Government a State Government National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) any other Corporation armed or controlled by the Government.

No individual person shall be eligible for admission as a member of a national Cooperative society or a federal Cooperative.

Which are the laws that regulate cooperative societies in India?

Laws regulating Cooperative Societies in India are: State Cooperative Societies Acts of individual states Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002 for the multi-state Cooperative societies with Area of operation in more than one State.

What is 'Multi-state Cooperative Society?

A multi-state Cooperative Society means a society registered or deemed to be registered under the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002 and includes a national Cooperative society or a Federal Cooperative.

What kind of societies could be register under Registrar Cooperative Societies?

Following types of societies can be registered:
Thrift and Credit Co-operative Societies.
Urban Co-operative Banks
Industrial Co-operative Societies
Labour & Construction Co-operative Societies
Motor Transport Co-operative Societies
Consumer Co-operative Societies
Marketing Co-operative Societies
Co-operative Federations.
Group Housing/House Building Societies
Security Services Co-operative Societies
Co-operative Societies formed by professionals in the areas like IT, Education Art & Culture, Insurance, Women Empowerment etc.

What is the time schedule of Registrar Cooperative Societies to approve the new Cooperative Societies?

The time schedule for disposed of various applications/references received from societies are detailed below:
Approval of proposal for registration of a new Co-operative Society 30 days Amendment in bye laws 60 days Maximum credit limit of the Society 90 days Approval of registration and enrollment of members in Housing/ 60 days Group Housing Society Other (Miscellaneous matters) 60 days